Welcome Text

The contents of this blog consist of some of my favourites sourced from the internet.
Where possible web links are provided for the authors credit. Where these are not provided the source is unknown but we thank you all the same.

Monday 17 September 2012

When I was a kid...

When I was a kid, from the moment after breakfast and right up until the street lights came on at night, our moms didn’t worry about where we were because EVERYONE was outside playing. We would go in when called for lunch and fought even doing that. We wanted to play! Your friends knew you would be back in 15 minutes, and you got the same place you had in whatever game you were playing when your mom called you home. And I don’t mean called you on your cell phone, I mean she stood at the side door yelling, “Kathy, Nanette, Tommy, time for lunch! Let’s go! NOW!” “AWWWW MOM! DO WE HAVE TO?!?” Same thing happened with dinner. You ate as fast as you could, just so you could get back outside and play in the little bit of time that was left before the street lights came on.

Saturday 15 September 2012

The Generation Gap

People born before 1946 were called The Silent generation.
People born between 1946 and 1964 are called The Baby Boomers.
People born between 1965 and 1979 are called Generation X.

And people born between 1980 and 2010 are called GenerationY.

Why do we call the last group Generation Y?
Y should I get a job?
Y should I leave home and find my own place?
Y should I get a car when I can borrow yours?
Y should I clean my room?
Y should I wash and iron my own clothes?
Y should I buy any food?

Y are you always picking on me?

School - 1957 vs 2012


Johnny and Mark get into a fight after school.

1957 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins.  Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends.

2012 - Police called, arrests Johnny and Mark.  Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it.  Both children go to anger management programs for 3 months.  School governors hold meeting to implement bullying prevention programmes

Being Green

Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the older woman, that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment.

The woman apologized and explained, "We didn't have this green thing back in my earlier days."

The young clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations."

She was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its day.